Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Progress So Far

Ok so I finally got to 9 stone 3! I know I'm not looking Kate Upton-esque quite yet, but I think |I have done well. I wanted to take some photos to see if there was actually a notable difference in my size/ shape (You know when you lose weight sometimes you're not sure if the scales are lying/ you've just lost water weight and actually you are the same as before...) So photos are KEY!.
Ok so I definitely have lost a bit of weight (VERY slowly  and I might not be happy with my figure now, but I feel proud of myself for managing to get this far via a normal healthy slow weight loss regime (rather than a 2 week starvation diet which always works for me but ALWAYS results in putting it all back on). Hopefully this time, because I have lost it so slowly  it will stay off!
The great thing is, I've been eating chocolate, roast dinners, palma ham, pea nuts and ice lollies etc... so it's great to know that you can still lose weight without giving every nice thing up.
So I guess how I have done it is by trying not to binge eat junk food anymore, so I often have a bit but I will just have a handful or two of crisps instead of 2 family size bags. Moreover, I've really cut down on alcohol and have been making healthier choices - lots of soup, meat and veg, fish and salads, but still allowed myself treats. Additionally I haven't been eating that many carbs (only a few potatoes) and I'm surprised to say I don't miss pasta or bread....weird?! I thought that would destroy me!
Lastly, I have been playing tennis every other day and going on some runs / doing yoga. I will pick up the exercise even more once I get below 9 stone so I don't go into a 'weight loss slum'.

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